Monday, September 15, 2014

7 Rules for Effortless Japanese(Rule 3): Learn with ears not eyes

Rule 3: Learn with your ears not with your eyes

You must have admitted that the key to speaking well is increase your great listening ability.

It means you learn Japanese with your ears.

What you are doing now is to read textbook, dialouge, grammar. You are reading alot. And this is not natural.

Think about  Japanese babies. How they learn to speak Japaese?
They certainly do not learn through reading. How they learn to speak Japanese?
They learn from their parents speaking to them, saying to them, repeating speaking in Japanese. They can not respond to parents from the beginning, but they start to understand, understand the meaning little by little. Eventually, they start to say simple things, simple phrases in reply.

That is how natural method works.

Keep this in mind: Listening is the foundation of speaking! 

90% of your time for listening Japanese, learning Japanese should be listening, listening.
All happening is through Listening. Listening gives you the power, the foundation!
You don't need to focus on practcing speaking, and try to speak well. Not yet for that.

Listening is the engine that is pushing everything!

Effortless Japanese is created based on this simple and natural order.

Click the Video Link for more!

Stay tune for the next!

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