Koara, isshou ni itai desu
コアラ, いしょ に いたい です
I want to be with Koala
Remember, Rule 4, Deep Learning is the key. Speaking is behind Listening.
So let's keep listening to this again, again and again, until you can master the content.
Again, listening repeatedly is the miracle of learning Japanese.
What steps should you follow?
Step 1: Just Listen to the Story Audio for several times, until you find it familiar. Time for listening is the morning, you should spend about 30 minutes every morning. Whenever you are free, hang on you headphone and listen again and again.
Step 2: Listen to the Vocabulary Explanation to understand some special terms or new words.
Step 3: Listen to the Ministory with question and answer.
Simple, when the question is asked, just respond quickly without hesitating or considering.
Quick response is required to increase your naturally speaking proficiency.
Don't worry about long sentences. If you can not answer with full sentence, short answer or just one word is also good.
Let's go!
Ogenki desu ka? Ohisashiburi desu!
(How are you? Long time no see!)
Reiki no kurasu no tame ni Sydney ni itteimashita.
(I was going to Sydney for a class of Reiki)
Koala ya kangaru,kawaikatta yo!
(Koala and Kagaroo were so cute!)コアラやカンガルー、かわいかったよ!
Kyou no story wa Koara.
(Today's story is Koala.)今日(きょう)のストーリーはコアラ。 :)
☆Story Audio☆
Koara no Charlie wa Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteimashita.
(Charlie Koala was looking for a eucalyptus leaves.)
Sono toki, Charlie wa totemo kawaii kangarū no Ruru wo mimashita.
(At that time, Charlie saw a cute Kangaroo LuLu.) その時(とき)、チャーリーはとてもかわいいカンガルーのルルを見(み)ました。
Kare wa Ruru ga suki ni narimashita.
(He became interested with LuLu)彼(かれ)はルルが好(す)きになりました。
Ruru wa hashittari,janp(Jump) ga tokui desu.
̣̣(Lulu runs, be good at jump)ルルは走(はし)ったり、ジャンプが得意(とくい)です。
Charlie wa Ruru ni Yūkari no ha wo purezento shimashita.
(Charlie gave a gift of eucalyptus leaves to Lulu.)
"Ruru,anata ga suki desu.Senaka ni nosetekuremasen ka?Issho ni hashirimashou! Itumo issho ni itai desu."to iimashita.
("Lulu, I like you. Why don't you put me on your back?.Let's run together! I want to be always together with you" said Charlie.)
Ruru wa "Iiwa yo" to iimashita. ;)
(Lulu told "It is good")ルルは「いいわよ。」と言(い)いました。
Koala no Charlie wa Kangarū no Ruru no senaka ni notte,totemo shiawase deshita.
(Riding on the back of Lulu of kangaroo, Koala Charlie was very happy.)
Futari wa itumo issho desu. ;)
(Two people are always together.)二人はいつも一緒です。
Koala コアラ Koala
Yūkariユーカリ eucalyptus
Ha 葉(は)/happa 葉っぱ leaf
Sagashite 探(さが)して look for
Kangarū カンガルー kangaroo
Senaka 背中 (せなか)back
Noseru 乗(の)せる ride on
Issho ni 一緒(いっしょ)に together
Issho ni itai 一緒(いっしょ)にいたい want to be together
☆Ministory: Phrase in the Questions☆
Q : Charlie wa Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteimashita ka? Soretomo sasa(a bamboo leaf) no ha wo sagashiteimashita ka?
A : Charlie wa yūkari no ha wo sagahisteimashita
Q : Charlie wa ITU ruru wo mimashita ka?
A : Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteiru toki desu.
Q : Charlie wa Ruru ni NANI wo purezento shimashita ka?
A :Yūkari no ha/happa wo purezento shimashita.
Q : Charlie wa DARE no senaka ni noritai desu ka?
A: Ruru no senaka desu.
Q : Ruru wa NAN to kotaemashita ka?
A : "Ii wa yo" to kotaemashita.
Q : DARE ga DARE no senaka ni norimashita ka?
A : Charlie ga Ruru no senaka ni norimashita.
Q : Futari wa totemo shiawase deshita ka? soretomo fushiawase deshita ka?
A : Futari wa totemo shiawase deshita.
Dewa,Kyou no Lesson wo owarimasu.
Sayounara! さようなら
Tomoe 智恵
So let's keep listening to this again, again and again, until you can master the content.
Again, listening repeatedly is the miracle of learning Japanese.
What steps should you follow?
Step 1: Just Listen to the Story Audio for several times, until you find it familiar. Time for listening is the morning, you should spend about 30 minutes every morning. Whenever you are free, hang on you headphone and listen again and again.
Step 2: Listen to the Vocabulary Explanation to understand some special terms or new words.
Step 3: Listen to the Ministory with question and answer.
Simple, when the question is asked, just respond quickly without hesitating or considering.
Quick response is required to increase your naturally speaking proficiency.
Don't worry about long sentences. If you can not answer with full sentence, short answer or just one word is also good.
Let's go!
Ogenki desu ka? Ohisashiburi desu!
(How are you? Long time no see!)
Reiki no kurasu no tame ni Sydney ni itteimashita.
(I was going to Sydney for a class of Reiki)
Koala ya kangaru,kawaikatta yo!
(Koala and Kagaroo were so cute!)コアラやカンガルー、かわいかったよ!
Kyou no story wa Koara.
(Today's story is Koala.)今日(きょう)のストーリーはコアラ。 :)
☆Story Audio☆
Koara no Charlie wa Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteimashita.
(Charlie Koala was looking for a eucalyptus leaves.)
Sono toki, Charlie wa totemo kawaii kangarū no Ruru wo mimashita.
(At that time, Charlie saw a cute Kangaroo LuLu.) その時(とき)、チャーリーはとてもかわいいカンガルーのルルを見(み)ました。
Kare wa Ruru ga suki ni narimashita.
(He became interested with LuLu)彼(かれ)はルルが好(す)きになりました。
Ruru wa hashittari,janp(Jump) ga tokui desu.
̣̣(Lulu runs, be good at jump)ルルは走(はし)ったり、ジャンプが得意(とくい)です。
Charlie wa Ruru ni Yūkari no ha wo purezento shimashita.
(Charlie gave a gift of eucalyptus leaves to Lulu.)
"Ruru,anata ga suki desu.Senaka ni nosetekuremasen ka?Issho ni hashirimashou! Itumo issho ni itai desu."to iimashita.
("Lulu, I like you. Why don't you put me on your back?.Let's run together! I want to be always together with you" said Charlie.)
Ruru wa "Iiwa yo" to iimashita. ;)
(Lulu told "It is good")ルルは「いいわよ。」と言(い)いました。
Koala no Charlie wa Kangarū no Ruru no senaka ni notte,totemo shiawase deshita.
(Riding on the back of Lulu of kangaroo, Koala Charlie was very happy.)
Futari wa itumo issho desu. ;)
(Two people are always together.)二人はいつも一緒です。
Koala コアラ Koala
Yūkariユーカリ eucalyptus
Ha 葉(は)/happa 葉っぱ leaf
Sagashite 探(さが)して look for
Kangarū カンガルー kangaroo
Senaka 背中 (せなか)back
Noseru 乗(の)せる ride on
Issho ni 一緒(いっしょ)に together
Issho ni itai 一緒(いっしょ)にいたい want to be together
☆Ministory: Phrase in the Questions☆
Q : Charlie wa Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteimashita ka? Soretomo sasa(a bamboo leaf) no ha wo sagashiteimashita ka?
A : Charlie wa yūkari no ha wo sagahisteimashita
Q : Charlie wa ITU ruru wo mimashita ka?
A : Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteiru toki desu.
Q : Charlie wa Ruru ni NANI wo purezento shimashita ka?
A :Yūkari no ha/happa wo purezento shimashita.
Q : Charlie wa DARE no senaka ni noritai desu ka?
A: Ruru no senaka desu.
Q : Ruru wa NAN to kotaemashita ka?
A : "Ii wa yo" to kotaemashita.
Q : DARE ga DARE no senaka ni norimashita ka?
A : Charlie ga Ruru no senaka ni norimashita.
Q : Futari wa totemo shiawase deshita ka? soretomo fushiawase deshita ka?
A : Futari wa totemo shiawase deshita.
Dewa,Kyou no Lesson wo owarimasu.
Sayounara! さようなら
Tomoe 智恵