Thursday, November 13, 2014

Effortless Japanese: Hiva to same ヒバとさめ

Effortless Japanese: Hiva to same ヒバとさめ: This is Blogg for Japanese Learner!  :)  ヒバとさめ Lesson: Hiva to same  Click here to listen to the audio Konnichiha(wa)~.  ...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lesson 6: Kitty Chan's Story キテイちゃんのお話 (おはな)

キテイちゃんのお話(おはな)Kitty Chan's Story -

Click here to listen!

Ogenki desu ka?
How are you?
kyou no Mini-Story wa Kitty-chan no Ohanashi 1-desu.
Today's lesson is Kitty chan's story.
Tabun Kitty-chan wa Sekai de Ichiban Yumei na Neko desune~.
Maybe, Kitty chan is the most famous cat in the world, isn't it?
たぶん...キティちゃんは世界(せかい)で一番(いちばん)有名(ゆうめい)な猫(ねこ)?ですね〜。 :)


Ame ga futteimasu.
Rain is falling
Kitty-chan wa kasa wo sashite,Nagagutu wo kai ni ikimashita.
Kitty chan held an umbrella, and went to buy boots

Shikashi,Nagagutu wa arimasen deshita.
However, there was no boots
Kitty-chan wa Geta wo kaimashita.
Kitty chan bought a Geta

Kitty-chan キティちゃん Hello Kitty by Sanrio
Ame ga futteiru  あめ(雨)がふ(降)っている    Its Raining
Kasa wo sasu  かさ(傘)をさす   Put up an umbrella
Nagagutu ながぐつ(長靴) High Boots
Geta げた(下駄)

Kutuya-san くつや-さん(靴屋) Shoe store
Kutu くつ(靴) Shoes
Soretomo それとも Or
Yuki  雪(ゆき)Snow
Sakanaya-san  さかなや(魚屋)さん Fish shop
Sakana  さかな(魚)Fish
Kaitakatta 買(か)いたかった wanted to buy
Kaitai 買(か)いたい want to buy
☆Phrase in the Questions☆
Q: Kitty-chan wa Nani wo sashiteimashita ka?
What did Kitty chan hold?
A: Kasa wo sashiteimashita.
She held an umbrella

Q: Kitty-chan wa Doko de geta wo kaimashita ka?
Where did kitty chan buy the Geta?
A: Kutuya-san de geta wo kaimashita.
She bought Geta At Kutuya san

Q: Kitty-chan wa Sakanaya-san de geta wo kaimashita ka?
Kitty chan bought Geta at Fish Shop?
A: Iie,Sakanaya-san de katteimasen.
No, she did not buy at Fish Shop.

Q: Kitty-chan wa Sakanaya-san ni ikimashita ka?
Did kitty chan went to Fish Shop?
A: IIe,Kitty-chan wa Sakanaya-san ni itteimasen.
No, she did not go to Fish Shop

Q: Sakanaya-san wa Nani wo Utteimasu ka?
What does Fish Shop sell?
A: Sakanaya-san wa Sakana wo Utteimasu.
Fish Shop sells fishes

Q: Kitty-chan wa Nani wo kaitakatta desu ka?
What did Kitty chan want to buy?
A: Kitty-chan wa Nagagutu wo Kaitakattadesu.
She wanted to buy high boots

Q: Kitty-chan wa geta wo kaitakatta desu ka?
Did Kitty Chan want to buy Geta?
A: Iie,Kitty-chan wa nagagutu wo kaitakatta desu.
No, Kitty Chan wanted to buy high boots.

Q: Yuki ga futteimashita ka?
Was snow falling?
A: Iie,Yuki ha futteimasen.
No, snow is not falling

★Listen and Answer, not Listen and Repeat
In each Mini-Story Lesson, I tells a short simple story.
I also asks a lot of easy questions.
Every time you hear a question, you answer it( If you need pause and answer). 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

いぬ と さる- INU to SARU (DOG and MONKEY)

INU to SARU – いぬ と さる(DOG and MONKEY)

INU to SARU – いぬ と さる(DOG and MONKEY)
Imouto no Ketkonshiki no tameni Osaka ni modotte kimashita.
For wedding of sister, I came back to Osaka.
妹(いもうと)の結婚式(けっこんしき)のために大阪(おおさか)に戻(もど)って来(き)ました。 :)

Ketkonshiki tanoshimi desu.
I feel happy at weddding

Inu to Saru ga Ketkonshimashita.
Dog and moneky have got married

Inu to Saru wa itumo kenka wo shiteimashita.
Dog and monkey had a fight all the time

Shikashi,Inu wa 200km mo Aruite tokubetuna banana wo kaini ikimashita.
However, dog walked 200Km to buy special banana.

Banana wa 1m mo arimashita.
There was also 1m banana.

Inu wa Saru ni Banana wo Present shimasita.
Dog gave the banana to monkey.

Saru to Inu wa nakayokunarimashita. :)
Mokey and dog became in harmony(friends)

Ketkon 結婚(けっこん)marriage
Ketkonsuru 結婚する get married
Ketkonshiki 結婚式(けっこんしき)a wedding
Kenka 喧嘩(けんか)quarrel, fight
Tokubetu 特別(とくべつ) special
Nakayokunaru 仲良(なかよ)くなる Be happy together

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ohanami - おはなみ(お花見)Cherry Blossom Viewing

Cherry Blossom Viewing

Study step

Step 1: Listen to the Audio and Ministory. Do this again and again several times
Step 2: Listen to Vocabulary explanation
Note: In the Audio, Ministory, Kanji word is not translated into HIRAGANA immediately but it can be seen in Vocabulary section.

Click here to listen to audio

Kyou no Lesson wa Ohanami ni tuite desu!  :)  
Today’s lesson is about cherry blossom viewing(sakura)
Haru ga yatte kimashita. 
Sping has come
Sakura no Hana ga totemo Kirei ni saiteimasu. 
Sakura flower is blooming beatifully
Kity-chan wa ohanami ni ikimasu. 
Kity goes to view cherry blossom
Sakura no ki no shita ni suwatte,osake wo nondari,obentou wo tabetarishimasu. 
Sitting on the bench under the cherry tree, and drink wine, and have lunch.
Kity-chan wa tabesugite udokenaku narimasita.
Kity eats too much, and gets stuck
Haru 春(はる)Spring 
Yattekuru  やって来(く)る coming 
Sakura no hana  桜(さくら)の花(はな)cherry blossoms
(sakura : a cherry blossom Hana : a flower)
Saiteimasu  咲(さ)いています  be in bloom,blooming
O-hanami/Hanami お花見(はなみ)flower viewing,go to see cherry blossoms
Ki  木(き)Tree
Shita  下(した)Under 
Suwatte  座(すわ)って sit
O-sake/Sake お酒(さけ)Sake
Nomu 飲(の)む Drink 
O-bentou/Bentou  お弁当(べんとう) a packed box,Lunch Box 
Taberu 食(た)べる  eat 
~shitari,~shitari  〜したり、〜したり  and  Ex) eating and drinking  
Tabe sugiru 食(た)べ過(す)ぎる Too much eat 
Ugokenaku naru 動(うご)けなくなる  can not move,to be unable to move 
☆Words in the Questions☆
Natu 夏(なつ)Summer 
Fuyu 冬(ふゆ)Winter 
Ume no Hana 梅(うめ)の花(はな) a Japanese apricot 
O-chakai/Chakai お茶会(ちゃかい)a tea-ceremony party
Ue 上(うえ) above,over

☆Phrase in the Questions☆

Q : Sakura no ki no shita desu ka? soretomo akura no ki no ue desu ka? 
Under the sakura tree? Or under Akura tree?
 A: Sakura no Ki no shita desu.
Under the sakura tree.

Q: Kity-chan wa Mizu wo nomimashita ka? soretomo Osake wo nomimashita ka? 

Kity-Chan drank water? Or drank wine?
A: Osake wo nomimashita.
She drank wine.

Q: Kity-chan wa tabesugimashita ka?

Kity chan ate too much, didn’t she?
A: Hai, Tabesugimashita.
Yes, she did.

Q: Naze Kiity-chan wa ugokenaku narimashitaka?  

Why kitty chan got stuck?
 A: Naze nara Kity-chan wa tabesugita kara desu.
Because she ate too much.

Q: Nanno hana ga kirei ni saiteimasuka? 

What flower is blooming beatifully?
A: Sakura no hana desu.
Sakura flower it is.

Q: Kity-chan wa Nani wo nondari,Nani wo tabetarishimashita ka?

What did Kity chan drink and eat?
A: Kity-chan wa Osake wo nondari,Obentou wo tabetarishimashita. 
She drank wine and had lunch box.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Koara、isshou ni itai desu [コアラいしょ に いたい です] - I want to be with Koala

Koara, isshou ni itai desu 

コアラ, いしょ に いたい です 

I want to be with Koala


      カンガルー → 

Remember, Rule 4, Deep Learning is the key. Speaking is behind Listening.
So let's keep listening to this again, again and again, until you can master the content.
Again, listening repeatedly is the miracle of learning Japanese.

What steps should you follow?

Step 1: Just Listen to the Story Audio for several times, until you find it familiar. Time for listening is the morning, you should spend about 30 minutes every morning. Whenever you are free, hang on you headphone and listen again and again.

Step 2: Listen to the Vocabulary Explanation to understand some special terms or new words.

Step 3: Listen to the Ministory with question and answer. 

Simple, when the question is asked, just respond quickly without hesitating or considering.
Quick response is required to increase your naturally speaking proficiency.
Don't worry about long sentences. If you can not answer with full sentence, short answer or just one word is also good.

Let's go!

Ogenki desu ka? Ohisashiburi desu! 
(How are you? Long time no see!)
Reiki no kurasu no tame ni Sydney ni itteimashita. 
(I was going to Sydney for a class of Reiki)
Koala ya kangaru,kawaikatta yo!
(Koala and Kagaroo were so cute!)コアラやカンガルー、かわいかったよ! 
Kyou no story wa Koara.  
(Today's story is Koala.)今日(きょう)のストーリーはコアラ。 :)

☆Story Audio☆ 
Koara no Charlie wa Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteimashita.
(Charlie Koala was looking for a eucalyptus leaves.)
Sono toki, Charlie wa totemo kawaii kangarū no Ruru wo mimashita.
(At that time, Charlie saw a cute Kangaroo LuLu.) その時(とき)、チャーリーはとてもかわいいカンガルーのルルを見(み)ました。
Kare wa Ruru ga suki ni narimashita. 
(He became interested with LuLu)彼(かれ)はルルが好(す)きになりました。
Ruru wa hashittari,janp(Jump) ga tokui desu.  
̣̣(Lulu runs, be good at jump)ルルは走(はし)ったり、ジャンプが得意(とくい)です。
Charlie wa Ruru ni Yūkari no ha wo purezento shimashita.
(Charlie gave a gift of eucalyptus leaves to Lulu.)
"Ruru,anata ga suki desu.Senaka ni nosetekuremasen ka?Issho ni hashirimashou! Itumo issho ni itai desu."to iimashita.
("Lulu, I like you. Why don't you put me on your back?.Let's run together! I want to be always together with you" said Charlie.)
Ruru wa "Iiwa yo" to iimashita. ;)
(Lulu told "It is good")ルルは「いいわよ。」と言(い)いました。
Koala no Charlie wa Kangarū no Ruru no senaka ni notte,totemo shiawase deshita. 
(Riding on the back of Lulu of kangaroo, Koala Charlie was very happy.)
Futari wa itumo issho desu. ;)  
(Two people are always together.)二人はいつも一緒です。 
Koala コアラ Koala
Yūkariユーカリ eucalyptus 
Ha 葉(は)/happa 葉っぱ leaf
Sagashite 探(さが)して look for
Kangarū カンガルー kangaroo 
Senaka 背中 (せなか)back 
Noseru 乗(の)せる ride on 
Issho ni 一緒(いっしょ)に together
Issho ni itai 一緒(いっしょ)にいたい want to be together
☆Ministory: Phrase in the Questions☆
Q : Charlie wa  Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteimashita ka? Soretomo  sasa(a bamboo leaf) no ha wo sagashiteimashita ka? 
A : Charlie wa yūkari no ha wo sagahisteimashita

Q : Charlie wa ITU ruru wo mimashita ka?
A : Yūkari no ha wo sagashiteiru toki desu.

Q : Charlie wa Ruru ni NANI wo purezento shimashita ka?
A :Yūkari no ha/happa wo purezento shimashita.  

Q : Charlie wa DARE no senaka ni noritai desu ka? 
A: Ruru no senaka desu.

Q : Ruru wa NAN to kotaemashita ka?
A : "Ii wa yo" to kotaemashita. 

Q : DARE ga DARE no senaka ni norimashita ka? 
A : Charlie ga Ruru no senaka ni norimashita.

Q : Futari wa totemo shiawase deshita ka? soretomo fushiawase deshita ka? 
A : Futari wa totemo shiawase deshita. 
Dewa,Kyou no Lesson wo owarimasu. 
Sayounara! さようなら

Tomoe 智恵

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

7 Rules for Effortless Japanese(Rule 5,6,7)エフォットレスにほんご(エフォットレス日本語)

Congratulation!  おめでと!

You have mastered 4 most important rules of Effortless Japanese.

Now I will take to the last 3 more rules for fulfil basic instruction before you start our real Japanese lessons.

Rule 5 will show you how to learn grammars effectively and naturally. Combining rule 1(learn phrases) and rule 2(do not focus on grammar), we produce a powerful way to learn grammar in a natural order.

What is it?

How does POV works?

Previously, in a set of lesson, a Ministory will be arranged as the main story of lesson following Vocabulary and POV. The main story is a real story of everyday life, familiar with everyone. Based on MINISTORY, in POV, you will tell the mostly whole story again, but you just the the TENSE of the story. You might change the time frame from present tense in MINISTORY in to PAST TENSE for example.

So, all what you do with Rule 5 is to change the tense of MINISTORY to become POV.

Rule 6: Very simple. Learn Japanese with Real Japanese materials, not Textbook, fake Japanese teacher.
It is true for whatever language Engish, Japanese, French etc.

Many people learning formal Japanese get shocked with real japanese communication, because the way Japanese speaker performing is totally different from what they have learnt. Ofcourse, it is easy to understand, isn't it?

For instance, to say "There is not an apple"

Formal Japanese(textbook):
Real Japanese:

Many other same cases have happened to Japanese learners when they start real communication with native japanese just due to limitted real japanese learning beforehand.

Rule 7: Use Ministory, listen and respond to Ministory.  

Be carefull, listen and respond to Ministory, here means listening and responding to Ministory by answering every question. You hear the question in japanese and quickly answer that question. Quickly, continuoustly, instantly respond to question without thinking, considering, or hesitating. 
Ministory will train you to hear Japanese and respond insantly. Speaking is always behind listening. That is how children have been doing!!!!

For example,
Q. おなまえ は なん ですか?What is your name?


You need to quickly respond: BEKKUM DESU. That is how MINISTORY works.

You may have experienced a training course in which learners repeat exaxtly the same as that of speaker. It is not an effective way. It does not help.

Again, Ministory will train you to hear Japanese and respond insantly. Speaking is always behind listening. That is how children have been doing!!!!


7 RULES of Efforltess Japanese is completely explained to you with the hope that all of your will master how the method can help you later with real japanese lessons.
Check 7 rules everyday before you learn to ensure that you are following the correct instruction.

7 Rules for Effortless Japanese(Rule 4)- Deep Learning!!!

Rule 4: Learn deeply (Deep Learning)

In short, Deep learning means learning something a little more slowly but totally master what you learn before you go to something else.

Click This Video

The fact known to everyone is that, at school, people always rush steps to finish a task. But actually, they are even uncertain about what you learnt in step 1, step 2, or they do it as an condition of lesson.

For example, you must remembered that in each lesson(textbook), there is always a short conversation somewhere else helping student to practice in pairs or groups. However, most students dislike to do this, be frustrated and sleep. 

So from now on, forget it! Never do it again!

Hereafter, let's do this: Learn everything deeply, master anything you do before you proceed the next thing.

Monday, September 15, 2014

7 Rules for Effortless Japanese(Rule 3): Learn with ears not eyes

Rule 3: Learn with your ears not with your eyes

You must have admitted that the key to speaking well is increase your great listening ability.

It means you learn Japanese with your ears.

What you are doing now is to read textbook, dialouge, grammar. You are reading alot. And this is not natural.

Think about  Japanese babies. How they learn to speak Japaese?
They certainly do not learn through reading. How they learn to speak Japanese?
They learn from their parents speaking to them, saying to them, repeating speaking in Japanese. They can not respond to parents from the beginning, but they start to understand, understand the meaning little by little. Eventually, they start to say simple things, simple phrases in reply.

That is how natural method works.

Keep this in mind: Listening is the foundation of speaking! 

90% of your time for listening Japanese, learning Japanese should be listening, listening.
All happening is through Listening. Listening gives you the power, the foundation!
You don't need to focus on practcing speaking, and try to speak well. Not yet for that.

Listening is the engine that is pushing everything!

Effortless Japanese is created based on this simple and natural order.

Click the Video Link for more!

Stay tune for the next!

7 Rules for Effortless Japanese(Rule 2): Do not focus on grammars rules

Rule 2: Surprising! Do not focus on grammar rules!

You will be very suprised of this idea. Correct?

Till now, most of people are also like you. They suppose that grammar is the key to success.
At school, teachers, students all have been focusing on structures analyzing strutures. It is the wrong way of leanring language. Of course, correct grammar are recomended in communication, but remember I am talking about HOW YOU LEARN or YOUR APPROACH.

The simplest way is that you follow how the native people do since they were a child until to be adult.

Again, to speak Japanese naturally, do not analyze the grammars and learn complex grammar.

So  how it will be?

Effortless Japanese gives you all the lessons with  real Japanese, real situations, with real Japanese people and naturally conversational speech.

I believe that you shall be excited about them, love them, and increase your communication quickly, automatically.

Do it right now, right here or you keep the same result as you are doing!

Keep in touch for the next: RULE 3

Saturday, September 13, 2014

7 Rules for Effortless Japanese(Rule 1)-Learn phrases not single words


Prior to every course of Effortless Japanse training, learners are kindly recomended to 
comprehend all 7 rules of Effortless Japanese. Because that this rule will change completely your way of study as normal. If you still do not change your regular thinking yet, you may not open to learn the following lessons in an automatical, natural and quick way, sometimes crazy.

Do it right now, right here! 

Rule 1: Learn phrases not individual word. 

Student, teachers, textbook always focus on the list of words. They try to memorize its meaning word by word. By doing such thing, you just remember less. The fact is that the native speakers are not doing the same. They learn groups of words, learn phrases all at one time. For example, the phrase: Stand up!. They will connect STAND and UP together not separately. They do not worry about individual words in it.
All in one word, the rule 1 advises you to learn Japanese or any language else with phrases which words are combined together in a natural way. That is how the native often do.
By doing so, you definitely improve the learning efficiency, speed and sense of language speaking.

Again, the simplest way to learn Japanese automatically and naturally is follow what native speaker do since they were a child till adult.!!

Hope you will get the point and achieve success!
Stay in touch for the next post: Rule 2

SAMPLE: MINI STORY 1 -(男の子) おとこのこ が いますか? - OTTO KO NO GA IMASUKA?

TEXTSCRIPT To listen to AUDIO let's click here! Listen!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Example Lesson: Aruite & tomatte(あるいて、とまって)

Aruite & tomatte ー あるいて、とまって


How are you?
Today I will post an example of Effortless Japanese lesson here to show you how the method works.

Click on the link and start your experience!

Stay tuned for the next!


今日のレッスンはAruite & tomatteです、

EFFORTLESS JAPANESE方法分けるように、この例をポストする


Hi! The world has changed! Welcome to Effortless Japanese!

How are you?
Where are  you from?
Is japanese a language supporting your job, career and your life?
Do you find it difficult to learn japanese? Listening, Speaking, Kanji etc?
What is your way of approaching?
You have attempted all ways suggested on the Internet, from friends, teachers and so on, but all of those did not make any sense to you, or the method is not exciting you so much.
Therefore, you come to right place and right time to get familar with a not old but close method. It is EFFORTLESS JAPANSE!
By learning this way, I am convinced that you can seek for life energy, efficiency, and quick way to your desire of life.
What is more shall be mentioned in the next post!
Stay tuned for my back!